With over 10 years experience in the community sector Vicki can write a carer job description or profile for clients and their families looking for a carer. In the carer profile we identify the client’s and families expectations of the role but we also provide the carer with the information they require to do the role.
The carer profile will outline the hours required, the tasks the client wants completed whilst the carer is on shift, the level of qualification required to be able to support the client safely, some information about the client and their current support needs plus any additional characteristics the carer may need to possess. For example, if the client does not speak English then the client will require a carer that speaks their language.
The profile will outline all expectations that may affect the carer. For example: if a client wishes to attend a religious ceremony but the carer is of a different denomination, they may not want to take the client to that particular activity. We can also write up the advertisement for the families or carers if they require it.